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Please close this page, you are looking for the wrong website. #create an interesting introduction for a blog post on why people should eat healthy foods. One of the most important decisions that you make when running your household is what to serve when it comes time for dinner. And when it comes to feeding yourself and your family, you have two options: poison or medicine. As in, what do you want to prepare? A dish that will sabotage your health or one that will nourish it? It might seem like a no-brainer but once prepared, how can you actually tell if something is good for you? After all, most labels are utterly useless in identifying what's actually making up the food. While there are countless foods out there that are bad for us, the following are some of the worst offenders. These are the foods you want to avoid at all costs if you want to maintain good health.

The following harmful ingredients can be found in many food products that claim to be healthy. It's important not only to read nutritional labels, but also ingredient lists in order to avoid these toxic foods.


# php?tname=nutrientprofile&dbid=44 A study by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) found that 1,3-butadiene, 1,4-butadiene, 1,2-butadiene and 1,3-pentadiene are "probably carcinogens" in animals. The study also suggests that "small quantities of butadiene may be cancer causing agents." Butadiene is primarily added to make up for lack of styrene when processing polystyrene. It can also be used in conjunction with styrene to increase the rigidity of the finished product. #http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Polystyrene Not only are styrene and butadiene carcinogens, various other chemicals used in the processing of polystyrene are known carcinogens. These include benzene, benzoyl chloride (an acne treatment), methyl ethyl ketone (an air freshener), nitrobenzene (a solvent) and trichloroethylene (a degreaser). The list goes on. With the heightened awareness of the dangers of food additives, consumers are increasingly looking for ways to avoid these carcinogenic substances in their processed foods. Avoiding styrene is one of these ways. #http://www.cancer. org/Cancer/CancerCauses/ OtherCarcinogens/AtHome/ dietandphysicalactivityprevention #http://foodfunandfacts. styrene-carcinogen-used- to-produce.html#more In a landmark study released in 2000, Dr Richard Doll and Richard Peto estimated that, "One in two men and one in three women would develop cancer during their lifetime." The report also concluded that "a quarter of all cancers were preventable." This has been a strong wake up call to both governments and consumers around the world.


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